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9th April 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) : Financial aid for charities


9th April 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) : Financial aid for charities

The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced yesterday £750m of financial aid for charities providing support and services during the current Coronavirus pandemic. The measures involve cash grants payable direct to charities providing key services during the crisis. £360m will be directly allocated by government departments to those charities.

Small local charities, including those delivering food and essential medicines and providing financial advice will receive further financial aid of £370m.

He confirmed that charities were eligible for help through the government’s Job Retention Scheme commonly known as furloughing. Read our blogs “The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and the furloughed worker” and “The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – FAQs for employers“. You might also like to read the government’s guidance “Claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

The Chancellor said that in addition the government wanted to help those charities “on the front line of fighting the Coronavirus. Shutting up shop at this moment would contravene their very purpose”.

We will update you when further information on this support package becomes available.

If you would like to discuss any issues you are experiencing at the moment please contact Nick Vaughan, head of charities team.


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