Lucy Andrews | Solicitor | Restructuring & Insolvency | Paris Smith Skip to content

Lucy Andrews

Solicitor - Corporate Restructuring & Insolvency

My experience

Day-to-day, my work encompasses all elements of:

  • bankruptcy and insolvency litigation;
  • restructuring; and
  • insolvency law and practice.

This includes all matters in relation to the rights and duties of liquidators, trustees in bankruptcy and IVA supervisors, the rights of bankrupt individuals, third party creditors and debtors, guarantors and indemnifiers, director duties and disqualification, misfeasance, wrongful trade, preferences, transactions at undervalue, and transactions defrauding creditors.

I also assist in a wide variety of other dispute matters including commercial disputes, contract disputes, property disputes and debt recovery.

Insights from Lucy Andrews


From ashes to assets? A commentary on company restoration

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Directors' duties

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Personal guarantees and indemnities: a guide for prospective guarantors, indemnifiers and creditors

Read article

How I’ve helped our clients

A source says "Lucy Andrews offers high levels of communication and knowledge."

Chambers Legal Directory 2025

Sources say ‘Both Mike Pavitt and Lucy Andrews, are always quick to respond. It's comforting to know you can rely on them both when you need legal advice on what can be quite technical matters ’ and ‘Mike, Lucy and the team are always very approachable and happy to discuss potential matters. The advice is always practical and thorough. When the requirements for us as insolvency practitioners extends beyond the 'usual' insolvency matters, Paris Smith have an excellent team built around the core insolvency team who have specialist understanding of areas such as employment in the context of insolvency processes etc.’

Legal 500 2025 Edition - Client Testimonials

A referee says "Lucy Andrews is a delight to work with."

Legal 500 2024 Edition

Mike Pavitt and Lucy Andrews are very easy to work with, as well as being highly professional and good company.

Neil Stewart, Associate Director
Manolete Partners

You (Lucy) and Mike have both been consummate professionals. I have found your advice comprehensive, informed and accurate. I appreciate all you have done, and I have been grateful to have you in my corner.

Mr C - Disposal of bankruptcy petition against ex-pat investor client

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