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Website & Email Terms of Use and Accessibility

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This policy covers the website found at the following URL

The website is provided by Paris Smith LLP. Third party website  developers are employed by Paris /smith to develop and host the website. Appropriate agreements are in place to ensure optimum quality control measures.

The materials contained in this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice. Paris Smith does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from accessing or reliance on information contained in this website.

Organisation details

Paris Smith is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). To access the rules, guidance and regulations binding our professional conduct please visit The SRA website and follow the links to the Solicitors’ Code of Conduct.

A list of our partners is available for inspection at the above address.

References in this website to “partners” are to members for the time being of Paris Smith LLP.

Policy Statement

The Head of Business Development & Digital Marketing has responsibility for the management of the website including:

  • ensuring content is up to date *
  • ensuring content does not infringe copyright
  • specifying conditions for downloading material
  • ensuring any publicity conforms to the Solicitors Code of Conduct 2011
  • ensuring compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995
  • overseeing linking arrangements
  • ensuring posting of a privacy notice explaining how any data collected from visitors will be managed by the practice.

* Ensuring content is up to date does not include updating legal articles or blogs, which are all written to reflect the law at the time the article or blog was written. We do not guarantee that our blogs and articles reflect current law at the time you visit our site as some articles will inevitably become out of date over time as the law changes. Whilst we will endeavour to remove any blogs or articles that might be misleading, you check their dates and read them for information only. You should not rely on such articles or blogs or treat them as legal advice in any way.

The Head of Business Development & Digital Marketing may delegate responsibility for inputting and maintaining the website, however accountability for any content that is shown on the website remains with the Digital Marketing team.

The Head of Business Development & Marketing has responsibility for the review of this policy on an annual basis.

Security, intercepting and monitoring electronic communications

Emails may not be secure and may contain viruses. Paris Smith LLP accepts no responsibility for any such security breach or data corruption caused by viruses. Paris Smith LLP may intercept and monitor data traffic. If you communicate through our systems you will be deemed to have consented to such interception and monitoring.

Certain links to our site are connected with other websites maintained by third parties over whom the firm has no control, and no representation is offered as to the accuracy, or as to any other aspect of the information contained in or contents of such websites. The firm reserves the right to prohibit any link from another website to materials or information on the firm’s website.

The firm reserves the right to edit or remove any material submitted to our website, or stored on our servers, or hosted or published upon our website.


Paris Smith LLP is committed to making our website accessible to people with disabilities.

All of the W3C’s priority 1 checkpoints and the majority of priority 2 checkpoints have been met.

Pages have been designed with a clear layout and text that is large enough and with sufficient contrast for most people to be able to read; if you do have to enlarge the text, the page layout will cope with this without breaking up.

Wherever possible, content has been written in clear, easy-to-understand ‘plain English’.

The website’s navigation has been designed to be intuitively easy to understand. the main menu at the top of the page has simple drop-down or ‘jump to’ menus where appropriate.

If you have any difficulties reading or navigating the site, please help us to keep improving our accessibility by emailing, calling 023 80482482, or writing to us at Paris Smith LLP, Number 1 London Road, Southampton, SO15 2AE.

Copyright and trademark notices

The contents of this site are protected by copyright under international law. The name “Paris Smith LLP” and the Paris Smith LLP logo are trade marks of Paris Smith LLP.

Users are permitted to read the contents of this website and make copies of such content for their own personal use. They may also give copies to colleagues for their personal use on terms that Paris Smith LLP is acknowledged as the source, the text is not altered in any way and the attention of the recipients is drawn to this warning. All other use and copying of any of the contents of this site is prohibited. Copying from websites of third parties is subject to any requirements applicable to those sites.

Links to third party sites

This website may include links to websites operated by other parties. Paris Smith is not responsible for examining or evaluating them and their inclusion does not imply endorsement of their content. Paris Smith is not responsible for the content of external internet sites that link to this website or which are linked from it.

Data protection

This website is owned and operated by Paris Smith LLP, who is the ‘Data Controller’ for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulations.

Collection, utilisation and security of data

Full details of how we utilise and protect your data can be found in our Privacy Policy.


Full details of the Cookies utilised on our website can be found in our Cookies Policy.

Traffic Data

Paris Smith LLP employs information gathering technologies (such as Google Analytics) for the purposes of collecting information and statistics about the users of this site, but such information will not be used to identify any individual. The purpose of gathering such information is to assist us to analyse the use of the website and revise it for the benefit of our customers by making your visit to the site more efficient and to improve and increase the content found to be most popular.

You can view Google’s Privacy Policy here To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, please visit

Introducing your key contact

Christie Blackburn
Head of Compliance – Compliance and Risk Training

